Friday, September 26, 2014

He does this trick so smoothly even the birds won’t understand!

You have seen many a magician. But you might not have seen anything like this. 

Darcey Oake looks like he is in the league of David Blaine. He does tricks so coolly that no one can comprehend how he has cleared his task so smoothly. Check out how he brings out birds, its cages and then converts all f these into a bright beautiful girl.

Darcey Oake's Magic
Darcey Oake and his Magic

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Animals Care and Love Because We Do!

Most of us have encountered wild animals in captivity, in the zoo or during some visit to the safari. Among the best animals one which really attract us is the Tiger with its royal black stripes.

Tigers have been known to men for countless years. Humans view them as predators and ones who are lured by blood. Some of these tigers have been tamed by men to perform for circus' and some for other sorts of entertainment and the balance are getting reduced in time due to poaching.

However, few have been tamed with love and care. We find traces of these in Thailand with the monks and then there is Janice Haley who keeps these ferocious tigers at her home. With a lot of care and love these tigers respond with the same language. 

Watch these lovely creatures get a hairdo, play with Janice, get cuddled and kiss each other. 

Living with Tigers

Monday, September 22, 2014

Thailand’s Crocodiles show you ways to put your hand and head inside its mouth!

There are great places and then there are great, great places. Thailand is one of them. Not just because it is great tourist attractions but due to the people living there.  These people are courageous and daring. Why so? Can you think about playing with Cobra’s or tigers and lions and they not hurting you? While they treat these animals and reptiles like a toy, there is one reptile with whom they can play inside out.

Crocodiles, is what I am talking about. In Thailand, there is one show where the trainer literally puts his hand inside the crocodile’s neck. If it were any of us we would have vomited, but nothing happens to the crocodile. It seems that the crocodile is just enjoying the feeling.
To top it, the trainer sticks his head inside the crocodile’s mouth. Imagine if the crocodile just snaps at that moment. The trainer would become history.

The Crocodile Show
The crocodile show

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Would you like a massage by an elephant?

We have all been brought up with the understanding that massages should be done by experienced hands, whether at home or at the parlor to get your muscles toned properly. We even have feet massages by fish nowadays. All these are truly relaxing and feel very comfortable. Massages ease body discomfort and pain and it is something we all long for after a tiring day.

However, Thai massages are the best. Their tourism industry thrives on it. They provide massage parlors at every street corner and the girls are good at it. They introduced the feet massage by the fish. The latest being the Thai Elephant Massage. It is truly amazing.

I would have fainted when I saw this, but this lady seems very much at ease.

Watch this amazing video and see if still feel the urge to get one massage done in the same way.

Thai Elephant Massage

Friday, September 19, 2014

Chris challenges his disability and stands up against all odds. Can you do it?

We all have our weakness' but we do not convert them to our strengths. People who do so, go to great heights in their life. When we recognize our weakness and find a solution to overcome it, it is one of the most satisfying moments. This is specially true for disabled people as it is a massive challenge for them to defeat a disability which nature has bestowed upon them. Various NGOs today are helping these people live their life by teaching them and making them learn how to live a life with their disabilities.

Here's Chris, when he was quite small, he was helped by his parents to shape up despite his disabilities. Chris never gave up and tried and learnt every trick by which he could live life like any normal person and he did.

Here's what Chris achieved..

What an achievement Chris!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I could never have thought about taking a 6 month old baby in a swimming pool till I saw this!

Babies are cute, they are soft, they are so cuddly. Babies in any caste, creed or religion are given the utmost care by their parents. We all love babies, but when it comes to taking risks with them, we often refrain. Our hearts bleed when we think about putting them to any kind of risk and specially with water.

Here these babies start loving water at a very early age. They are trained in the swimming pool just when they are 6 months old. Watch these little ones learn swimming just like adults. They don't just learn swimming, they learn acrobatics within water as well. These babies will never have the fear of water ever in their lives.

Watch the cute little babies take a bath in the swimming pool  better than the adults..

These babies are fearless

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Can you think about 4 people creating a square by sleeping on each other's lap without a chair? Looks tough isn't it...Watch this!

There have been aerobic sessions at the gymnasium. I have watched people perform different exercises in different body forms in India and abroad. But this one is different. Its not aerobics nor gymnastics and neither is it exercises. I believe this different in that it would help teach the basics of patience and strategy to achieve tasks which we think are non-achievable.

These four girls perform by sitting on four chairs and then lying down on each other's lap forming a square. The real surprise comes only after this point, when all the four chairs are removed from under them.

Watch the antics to experience it.

This is so cool!

Friday, September 12, 2014

The monk came, performed and conquered the Talent show. The judges were shocked!

There was once a monk who sold his Ferrari. But here's one who did not sell his Ferrari, but seeing him you would like to give him one.

I have seen various magic performances in different forms. Out of all I love one of them which is the act of levitation . The likes of David Blaine, have performed it in such a fashion which looks like levitation i.e. floating in the air and they have performed it in streets. They have created illusions in a masterly manner. Other's have been seen to perform the same with the help of meditation. The question in front of millions still lies in their minds whether these tricks are real.

Here's one more of them who has mastered this wonderful trick of levitation. He is the monk called Special Head who  does this trick in a different manner. He performs it in front of a live audience at a talent hunt show and the judges at first mocked the performance. But then what this monk does shocked their wits out.

Watch this extraordinary act of surprise and shock..

Special Head's great levitation trick

A true friendship tale between a dog and a dolphin

Everyone knows that dogs are the closest friends of man, but no one knows whose their closest friend. Dogs are known to help their masters. In a few places like Bhutan, dogs are revered as Gods and not allowed to be pushed around. At few places like Shikharji (In Jharkhand state, India) they help pilgrims unknowingly  during their 18 km walk through the jungle.

But there are times, when they can also get caught in a fix and where their is danger to their lives. Well, at these times they too get help from unknown sources.

Here's an example of how a dog gets caught in the sea accidentally and danger looms on him in the form of a shark. Check out who is the God sent help for him in this vast sea of hope and how he gets saved.

A truly inspiring story of love and friendship. Watch it now!

Who saved him in this vast sea!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

This is where you can get a lot of inspiration!

A person who can has worked all her life to run the final race to win it and at the end qualifies to run in the championship is only looking at winning. In 2008 this is what happened.

A young runner ran with all her might only to trip and fall in the middle of the 600 meter race and all the other runners racing past her. She not only gets ups instantly, but races with all the other 3 to beat them at the last moment.

A true inspiration to all people who believe that failures cannot result in success. You can fall, but you need to get up and move to win the race.

View the lovely race of a lifetime.

Win the race after falling midway

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

You must have the right focus, patience and goal to succeed in life!

In life we all have our ups and downs. If we look back at the life we have led, we will find out why we lost out in the crowd or why we did succeed. When we introspect we find out that we failed because we did not have the patience,endurance and the goal when it did require the most, we did not focus ourselves and commit to the task on hand and even if we did have all that we did not care about the final goal, which would help us to carve the correct path to the ultimate goal.

Here's one person who can teach us what it takes to reach the final goal in whatever task we take up.
Look at this guy start on with a feather in one hand and carry on with 13 leaf stems to reach his final goal of balancing the feather in mid air. It takes days and hours to build an empire but it just requires a second to destroy it.

Watch the ultimate balancing act here...

Patience, Focus and Goal

Monday, September 8, 2014

Giant Mutant Spider Dog on the prowl!

I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop at midnight and someone just whisked past my way. It was some kind of giant creature with 8 legs and a large mouth. It just ran so fast that it was difficult to understand what it was.

Next day as I read the newspapers, I found an article mentioning about the Giant Mutant Spider Dog which is going about terrorizing people. lucky, I was not not tormented by this creature. Still the thought of it keeps ringing in mind and it does not allow me to sleep, lest this creature actually comes into my room.

Here's a glimpse of this horrendous creature.. Watch for it and have a look at what it is and what it can do..

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Did you know about multi colored corns?

I have been reading a lot about corns lately. They are healthy, they are of different sizes, they have proteins and they help you fill up your stomachs. Available all over the world, you can have them in different forms. You can cook the kernels, boil the kernels, steam the kernels or roast the kernels, add a dash of different spices and enjoy them.

But I only knew about white corns, light yellow corns, sweet american corns till I happened to see some colored ones. These colored ones are just so beautiful. Just like pearls they are precious gems being grown on land. Each of these corn kernels could be of a different color in the same stalk.

If you haven't seen them yet, here's your chance to look at it.. 

You have never seen corns like this before.

Colorful Corns
Glass Gem Corns

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I could never have imagined that these technological entertainment existed till I saw these..

I have been a close watcher of technological advancements. I have the latest gadgets and I always felt that I knew almost about everything that the world was producing for our entertainment. But I was proved wrong till I saw the posts at . These are simply superb in that it covers the idea of gaming in a different angle, the idea of looking like a whale in the sea, a powerful bicycle power booster, smart watermelons and lots more to keep you hooked in. 

There is a lot of action in these videos...Have a look now..

Monday, September 1, 2014

Have you ever tried painting on water? This is how you do it.

Hands gliding on the surface of water smoothly. A drop of paint is dropped on the water and it spreads as if blotting on water. Suddenly a second drop of paint drops on the first one and starts blotting. Red on yellow. A then a third one. The process carries on, hands clearly making the right moves to create an art form on water, pinching these drops to create new looks. Once the look is created, coolly it is transferred to paper leaving no traces of paint on water. have a look at this amazing painting on water. A beautiful piece of work requires appreciation..

Painting on water :