Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Animals Care and Love Because We Do!

Most of us have encountered wild animals in captivity, in the zoo or during some visit to the safari. Among the best animals one which really attract us is the Tiger with its royal black stripes.

Tigers have been known to men for countless years. Humans view them as predators and ones who are lured by blood. Some of these tigers have been tamed by men to perform for circus' and some for other sorts of entertainment and the balance are getting reduced in time due to poaching.

However, few have been tamed with love and care. We find traces of these in Thailand with the monks and then there is Janice Haley who keeps these ferocious tigers at her home. With a lot of care and love these tigers respond with the same language. 

Watch these lovely creatures get a hairdo, play with Janice, get cuddled and kiss each other. 

Living with Tigers

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